Bruker elemental analyzers offer unmatched performance in aluminum recycling, input quality and quality control applications for final products.
There are methods for many alloy types in our Bruker brand optical emission spectrometer models for use in aluminum analysis, and our devices meet all needs with advanced element and measurement ranges. In particular, new model Q4 POLO and Q4 TASMAN model desktop OES devices with its superior analytical capability, offer the possibility of sensitive analysis with the lowest maintenance need and maintenance cost, while our Q8 MAGELLAN model PMT detector device exhibits the best analytical performance with its many superior features.
With the light element measurement capability of S1 TITAN 500S and 800 model handheld XRF devices, non-destructive and fast elemental analysis is possible in aluminum-based metals. With the standard quality library, quality information about the analysis result is instantly displayed on the screen.
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